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New Museum Experimental (Fall) Study Program: Experience

I'm The New Museum recently held a program "internship" consisting of 15 people for the Fall season and Fall theme, "PERSONA." The program provided us with snacks, free shows, free pass to the museum, and the ability to speak out our minds.
I had an amazing time at the museum and met so many different people who love and will miss.

a few pictures to sum up my time there:

rainy day and view from the New Museum Sky Room
The following few pictures are my journey to and from the Museum.
May or may not have stepped into Brandy Melville one too many times.
Quite honestly, the best feeling is walking around in the rain.
An open road full of brick buildings and an awkwardly placed (and shaped) museum with a an awkward ship on it.
A cute store with food= Happiness
oh, hi Kendall...
A few pictures of art that I took at the museum.
actual artists in training
ft. Alma
Hipster watching Indie.
These few pieces are made by Jim Shaw called, "The End is Here." They are
particularly just vivid dreams of his in which he noted down and created into a visual
art exhibition. They hold very much meaning to him and is open to interpretation. Everything
you see, you can think one way of whats its trying to show while others think
differently of it..ART.  
"heyyy angelll, do you ever look at us and laugh, when we hold onto the past?"
-One Direction
One of my favorite parts of the program and the museum is the view from the sky room.
This picture features the two coordinators of the program and an artist we worked with named JJ.
3:30 p.m
5:10 p.m
sunset ft. Katie aka Shailene Woodley
The cafe was a huge plus as well since they  sold aMAZINGLY AMAZING FOOD!!!!
I failed to get a good picture of the museum so enjoy a gingerbread-made
representation of it.

Snapping pics of people snapping pics of people.
On one of the days, after a "one night only" comedy-band-show, called Dad-Band,
Miso, Alma, Donae, and I decided to walk around Soho, eventually chilling on fire escapes,
and then walking towards Washington Square Park.
ft. Alma
Donae, or "Becky" started the whole show, and night.
A bit of filming of the performance.
A couple bold lyrics from our performance.
The Weeds in Our Backyard
We (the group) were the opening act for Wynne Greenwood
an artist working with music. Greenwood had created a "band" called: Tracy and The
a few years back and in the gap between then and now, she had taken a break from
music. However, on this day, she had made a "comeback," this time as Kelly.
Thank you to Wynne Greenwood and JJ for such an amazing 3 months!!x 
Towards the end, Westfeild, a sponsor for the New Museum program, invited a few students
from the Fall program and the previous program, along with a few friends, and Eagleson family
to celebrate the accomplishment.
I, of course, took Luci.
What some of the food was:
Snapping pics of Luci snapping pics.

So yes, that was it to pretty much sum up my experience at the New Museum. I loved every second that I spent there, and want to thank The New Musuem, Wynne Greenwood, JJ, Westfeild and the Eagleson family, and all of the people I met there, for such an incredible time. I love and will miss you all!xx

If any of you, who live in New York want to join or learn about this program, visit: http://www.gclass.org/node/1699